Newborn Sleep Tips: The Swaddle

One of the questions I get asked most often by new parents as a child sleep consultant is whether they should swaddle their newborn for naps and nighttime sleep. Of course, this is entirely your choice. There is no need to swaddle your newborn, however it can certainly help to encourage longer stretches of sleep in the early weeks.

Some benefits of swaddling include:

  • 💕 Comfort: A newborn has spent all of their existence so far in very close quarters so swaddling will remind them of the womb which is very comforting for them.

  • ✨ Startle Reflex: Swaddling reduces the moro or startle reflex. This is a developmentally normal reflex that makes newborns feel like they are falling. Many newborns will startle themselves awake when this happens. When they are safely swaddled this reflex is reduced.

  • 😴 Longer sleep stretches: Newborns will often sleep for longer periods when they are swaddled.

When choosing a swaddle product, make sure that it allows for free movement of the hips and only the baby’s arms are swaddled. The Hip Dysplacia Institute’s website gives lots of information on how to safely swaddle a baby with a blanket or a muslin and also gives information on hip-healthy baby products. Personally, I love swaddle sleeping bags. They are so easy to use, you simply put your baby in and zip them up.

Remember that once a baby shows signs of rolling over, it’s time to take them out of the swaddle. Sleeping bags often have openings for the arms so you can ‘wean’ them off swaddling, on arm at a time.

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